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 Ello guys!! Do you miss me?
Today is my boy and I together eight months anniversary. Bless us
Sorry for busy recently and being lazy to update my blog. Alright, let me update now~
 Well~ In fact, I haven't got any topic can be written to my blog, so let me talk about what was I busy for recently.

First, I was busy of my Account project, rushing to finish in a few days before. Almost every night I had to burn the midnight oil and struggle to complete it.

Second, my boy's friends have got a basketball competition held at SK Basketball Court Section 8. They are very powerful, very smoothly to defeat their opponent.

Third,  Have a wonderful night with my babe Miyako Wong. Stay overnight at a friend's House for the first time.

 On Father's day, we went to the restaurant to celebrate father's day with relatives. Just a simple dinner on that day. Happy Father's Day

Taken photo with my classmate last Friday.

Have rumah sukan every Wednesday.

 Had a fair about college at school today. Is considering which courses to read Tourism Management, Hairdressing and Image Designer, or Multimedia Design.

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