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MOF restaurant

 Thursday was a SPM released date, when I took the result I don't know what emotion I should have. I don't think it is a good result, although I can accept failure.

 After taking result, we went to Sunway pyramid. When I reached, I saw a art of elephants showcase. I love elephants, there are so colourful and cutie~

After that, we went to eat brunch at MOF restaurant. Their famous desserts and drink is Green tea. I love it, but he is dislike.

Their foods all are japanese food, taste are not bad. I think I will go again. After lunch we went to cinema saw a movie " Warm Bodies ".
  It is a human and a zombie's love story. This movie is really wonderful, funny and attractive. The zombie who always keeping his dream, name call "R". Since he met the girl Julie, his has changed his life and the world. It is a romantic love sotry I think.

After watching movie, we had home. This is a last time I dated with him, next time I think he has to wait me after NS. However, I will be back after 3 months. Don't too miss me, my dear friends. Good bye.

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