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My 20th Birthday

Hello, people~
March is my favorite month. But this year has a little bit different, because I didn't celebrate my birthday with my dear friends. I just had a simple dinner with my beloved family members, no birthday cake. The reason why I didn't celebrate my birthday with my friends is I'm too busy for my study life, examinations, assignments, and so on... Now let me sharing my simple birthday dinner with you.

12 March 2015, 20:00, The Manhattan Fish Market @ IOI CITY MALL

Oyst Roulette

Red Hot Stew

Fishy Chicky Bang Bang

Fish 'n Chips

Mediterranean Baked Fish

For more information; official website

Birthday gift by my best friend Zhi Ting

Last but not least, I would like to say Thank You to all of wishes by my friends again. I'm officially 20 now. Thank You very much

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