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Mother's day

 The only one I love, my beauty mama ;)

Ello my dear readers~
Last Sunday the Chan's family decided to celebrate Mother's day at 好想吃海鮮樓 Like To Eat Seafood Restaurant @ Puchong.
Happy Mother's day mama~ We all love you
Bapa & Mama

Like To Eat Seafood Restaurant
No.24&26,Jalan Puteri 2/5,Bandar Puteri,47100 Puchong Selangor.
Tel:03-8068 3882 
营业时间:11am - 11pm

Before Mother's day I asked my mama:" Mama, what gift do you want me buy you for Mother's day? " My mama said that she don't want anything, she just want to take a rest on Mother's day. That's all~ Well~ I had no comment. Because I'm a lazy girl and I'm reliable my mama. Ahahaha~
By the way, Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers. =]

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