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My 18th's birthday

 11 March 2013, It was my birthday's eve. I let him planed my birthday. He decided to celebrate my birthday at Pasta Zamai for brunch.

After bunch, we went to cinema for a movie. He chose the movie "Oz The Great and Powerful". It was a fun and awesome movie. Lol

After movie, we went to In house met my beloved sisters, Miyako and Kay. We haven't met each other for a long time, after SPM until now I think at least had 4 months. I miss them very much.
A special dinner for me, birthday girl. Ate a lot~ Lol
Took photo with my beloved sisters
 In fact I'm not looking forward to my birthday, but you all gave a happy and wonderful birthday. Thank you very much, I love you. Wish our 3years friendship will keep long long time.  
Birthday gift by my hubby...

Birthday gift by my sisters..

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