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Sushi Zanmai

 Hello guy~ Today I would like to blog about food post again!!
Recently we always find some restaurants we never ever try. This time we went for a movie "百星酒店" and we found Sushi Zanmai at Sunway Pyramid. I bet many of you have tried the food before.

We spent half an hour for queueing.. When we glad to had seat and order, I found that the beloved galaxy camera had broken, the button had disappear. I had found the way we walk in, but I didn't find it. I was nerves until I cry, he forgave me and said it's okay. 

After 15 minute, those foods had come. I had stopped crying and eating those yummy foods.
All of the pictures are taken by Iphone 5. The service is good as well, at least my green tea is constantly being refilled without having to ask. The easiest way to locate it is to look for Kim Gary because Sushi Zanmai is just on top of it.

 That's all for today.. Looking forward to my birthday =]

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