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Movie night

 Bello, guys~ A quick update before I sleep, as I need to work tomorrow. Well I have stared to work recently. Have to walk half an hour to work everyday, except Sat & Sunday.

Anyway I think you are not interesting about my job, so I gonna blog about my movie days. Last 2 weeks I went out with my brothers saw movies, Despicable me 2 & Pacific Rim.

Bababa babanana~~~ Had a funny movie that night. My brothers said they had watched many times in the cinema already. I'm sorry and thanks you all still accompanied me watching that movie.

Pacific Rim, that was a damn nice movie that I had!!! Every part are so cool. I love this movie so much, it's awesome~~ Although that night I watched it until 1am, but I'm really had a gread night that day.

Lastly, I have broken up with my boyfriend, but I'm fine. Work everyday, when I'm bored I will read novel, online, watch movie, and so on.. It is a pity chose, but I know it is good for him. I'm not a good girlfriend that is a true.

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