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PLKN 2013

Fuuuuuu *Blowing dust away from my blog

Finally I had finished my National Service. I came back form NS @ Kem PDS Resort Port Dickson last Friday.That were unforgettable memories and a good experience in my life. Luckily, my parents allowed me going to NS, thank you. Today I would like to blog about those 3 months, What did I do in camp..

  •  When I reached there, they called you write form, body check, plan a dorm for you and check bag. First week we didn't do any activities, just eat and sleep. After that we had stared our activities.

  • Class lesson. Character Building has two Modul-Saya and Kita. Instill my mind for myself and groups on the positive, there have some games let us play. Kenegaraan is learn about history Malaysia. After those class, we had Khidmat Komuniti replaces the class time..

  • Competitions/shows-Depends on your camp. As well as KKJ, deklamasi Sajak games and musicals.

  • Outdoor activities have Kawad, Sukan Kreativity (want you to play creative games), Tempuh Halangan, Flying Fox.

  • Sometimes we have activities in every Saturday. As well as went to visitcamp, museum, marketgrocery, clean up old people's home, swimminglessons and so on.

  • Wira Jaya-night in the forest, made tent, made your own dinner ~

  • M16- this has been the most popular absolute fun. And this might be your only chance in this life are definitely real!

  • Suffer thing is the cik gave us chatter's inform and punishment PT10 under the Violent Sun!!

They are my friends met at camp XD

I'm glad to know you all. Because of you all I get a lot of knowledge and love malay song. Hope you all will remember me and our friendship will be keep longer. Keep in touch XP

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