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Hello readers~ I was busy recently, have no spare time to update my blog
feeling my blog was dead~ X(

Recently, there are a lot of people share this video, say no to lynas~
i like this video~  so funny and his face look like SeaMus Goh (our monitor).
haha~  laugh die me~ XD very pek chek

3 March 2012_Steeple Chase and extra lessons, all students must attend. This time is me participate of school marathon for last year. And recent I was fat a lot, it was a good opportunity to lose weight, I was enjoy the whole process. X 237_ This is my race numberXO

Marathon competition of this year we were very serious about running, I get 47th. Although I did not win the prize, but I had a great time running.

5 March 2012_ Today was the examination day, all my friends have foot pain to examination.
This test I'm not nervous, just in the blur state and foot pain to the exam. At least exam results is not bad~
In addition my SPM number is 004,  sense is a very unlucky number~ :(

8 March 2012_ I went to Koyuki's house tried to make up. Bad skin condition on the day, the body and the eyes also were tired~

We have found that one thing.. Is makeup without lens, is a very strange ==
In addition to, I got a lot of the comics come home~ thank you, Ms.Koyuki XO

10 March 2012_  Serdang Baru 1 had a youth talent show final competition "IT'S YOUR SHOW TIME". I went with my brothers.
All contestants are very powerful, they make me are admired of them~
At night, my brothers were very cute. I eat Satay and a glass of water on themselves , for celebrate my birthday. I was really easy to meet~ XP

Next post, I will post my birthday post.
see you next post =] Bye~

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