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Kei's Open House

 Belated birthday present, by my best friend Kay Chong~
Thank you, Babe~ Thanks you gave me such a lovely gift
Give you a long purple kiss muackkkk~~~ (╯3╰)

Hello readers~
Finally, my fake mummy KeiKei Lok has moved to her own new  home =]
Day of the 17th, she held Open House. Kay and I atteneded the day of the party.
The ms.Miyako because her boyfriend came back from the NS this morning, and went to stay with her boyfriend, so she came very late~

Her house very big like a castle so visit she and her family's House is a tired things
There I met a lot of friends were really long time no see, I really was surprised to see they and have a lot of fun
We also took a lot of photos, but the hostess was too busy that day, didn't take photos with us. So pity (╯□╰)

Let's see these photos =]
with Kay Chong

with Miyako Wong

with YiNi

with come from Klang's Wendy Bieber

 Photo Shooting
Model: Kay Chong & Sumi Chan
by: Miyako Wong

NG part~~~
our Style XP

I was happy tonight~ Hope we can friendship forever
Be Happy My Best Friends  =D

Remember to leave a comment to the CBOX for me XO XO

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