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Hello guys~ Just woke up from my comfortable bed. I'm so glad and welcome December.
Cause one month of Christmas holiday is going to coming! I love December, plz good to me. woohooooo...
I really want to go to celebrate but I want to save more money.

Just went to ate Jogoya today, but we don't have brought camera. So all photography is come from online and Iphone. Before this post, I would like to blog about the things which happened on Monday.
Yesterday, we went to Jusco saw a movie Wreck-It Ralph. I love this cartoon movie very very much!!

The character who I love is Vanellope. 

I think all of you must go to see this movie!! Damn Funny, Damn Cute, and Damn Nice~ If you are smart, you won't missed it.. Hahahaa~ just kidding.
Ralph and Vanellope?

Wreck-It Ralph Trailer

 Come to the next post, Jogoya. Today I went to school returned text books and took the sijil Graduation. We had nearly late so we go to Time Square quickly. I had looking-forward to Jogoya for a long time. Thank for the treat by babe Koyuki . She said it was my first birthday present next year, should I happy?
and the other friends has Wai Yi and Ao Yung Wawa, her nicknamed.

don't forget him. My man, Edward. This guy was blur whole day. He was tired for woke up early. 
Thank you
 I was so full today, and I was felt happy and enjoyable the brakfast and lunch. This month I should going to hardworking to find work for earn more money. Where has vacancy?

Now Jogoya has promotion until 20th December. If you would like to booking you can click here Jogoya or call them 03-2142 1268

Short update for today, hope all of you'll like it. Good night :D

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