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Christmas eve party & Open house

 Hi guys~
Yesterday was Christmas. How's your Christmas? Where did you guys going for celebrate? 
My Christmas was actually noting much special, it's like another Sunday to me.
 Honestly, I didn't plan how to spend my Christmas, just stay at home.

Well here's some simple Christmas eve that I had last three week.
So early? ya, it is.

 The Christmas's party held in my cousin house, that day was also her open house party.
Before the Christmas party and Open house party, we were preparing the present for the party.

 A lot of presents prepared by her for us that day.
Every presents had their owner.
When I saw my present I felt unhappy, it's so small~

After dinner I took some picture with my cousins and my cousin's sons and daughters.

It's time to change christmas's present with the house hostess.

 I had drunk a little bit, so when I dismantled the present my face suddenly turned red.
I was so shy to get those sexy underwear, but I like it.

 At last, I had a great night with them.
I wish we will hold the Christmas eve party once every year.
Good night, guys.

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