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My 19nd's Birthday recap

Today is White Day, and here I am at home, listening to some musics by Jay Chou while updating my silly old blog when every lovebirds are probably out having their candlelight dinner with their beloved ones. However I'm single available

I love spending me time, especially when I wasn't able to stay home for almost a week, morning I have full day classes, at night I having dinner at the outside with friends or family, especially Saturday and Sunday is the most difficult way that I have a holiday. So, having sometime alone right now is like the best feeling ever.

Anyway, here's a short recap of my birthday on International Women's Day, which was my dad and mummy's engagement anniversary's day. In a minute I was only celebrating my 19th birthday, another minute, it is next year I'm going to be 20!! Time is catching up so quickly without even us noticing.

March's babes..

After dining, of course it's not suitable time for go home yet. Next round was yam cha, having girl talk at Iron Chef House.
 Both of them are my beloved sisters. Our friendship is start from 2011, that time we were classmate. Now 3 years already, we still same noting change,they never forget my birthday although I told them "I don't want celebrate my birthday this year..." that kind of things. Thankful that I have them in my life.

This is my Birthday's gift. When I saw it, I was so surprise, as this gift is the most I need now. Before a few months, I have told Koyuki my course need to learn how to make up and cat walk like front office. They remember every word that I said. Omg~ you are really touching my heart, my dear girlfriends~

Happiness is the key to everything, I always glad to see everyone's happy. 
Thanks you all give me a best memory again and thank you everyone for coming. I love you all much, keep in touch.

 12.03.2014, Wednesday, that day was my birthday. My family decided to celebrate my birthday with my favorite food Sushi. That was just a simple birthday celebration with the cake and make a wish, but I was glad that they remember my birthday and celebrate with me. May those dream will be come true~

 My family same with me, they always like to take selfie with a lot of post.

Here is the ending of my birthday recap. Thank you for reading...


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